
Users are base of our api system, because our system only work for logged user.

simply people should login or register to work with Event Manager system.

User Data

if you want see logged in user data you can use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/user

Edit User

for updating user data you can use this route:

[POST] http://site.test/api/v1/user

update user route need some data you should pass to , this is data body

    "_method" : "PUT",
    "name" : "New Name",
    "password" : "123456789",
    "avatar" : "file",


  • _method use for change request method, we can not upload avatar image thorough PUT method for this problem we should manipulation our system
  • for avatar field you should pass a image file


all fields are optionals and you can pass just what you want to update