
for using Events Api first you should be logged in with a user for login you can see Login Documentation

Create Event

for creating Event you can use this route:

[POST] http://site.test/api/v1/events

for creating you should pass these arguments to the route

    "name": "my birthday",
    "description": "this is my 24 birthday"


name and description both required and if you don’t pass api give you a validation error

Update Event

for update an Event you can use this route:

[PUT] http://site.test/api/v1/events/{{event_id}}


instead of {{event_id}} you should put event id you want to edit


just know you only can update own events and if you want to request for update other events api get a 403 error

as you know for update an event you should pass some data to the api this is what you should pass that

    "name": "New Name",
    "description": "New Description"


name and description not required and you can pass just one of them

Delete Event

if you want delete a event you can use this route

[DELETE] http://site.test/api/v1/events/{{event_id}}


instead of {{event_id}} you should put event id you want to delete


just know you only can delete own events and if you want to request for delete other events api get a 403 error

Events List

for viewing events list you can use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/events?type=all


  • you only see events if you are creator of that or you are a guest of that events
  • type parameter not required you can delete that, default type is all
  • instead of all you can use creator and guest or you can delete type parameter

Show Event

for viewing a single event you can use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/events/{{event_id}}


instead of {{event_id}} you should put event id you want to see

Show Event Invitations

if you want to see invitations related to a event you should use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/events/{{event_id}}/invitations


instead of {{event_id}} you should put event id you want to see