
for using Invitations Api first you should be logged in with a user for login you can see Login Documentation

Send Invitation

for send invitation to other users you can use this route:

[POST] http://site.test/api/v1/{{event_id}}/send-invitations


instead of {{event_id}} you should put event id you want invite to.

Send Invitation need some data to invite other users , you can invite other users to gather, like this:

"invitations": ["","09352864812" ,"" , "09303030300" , "09332114546" , "09332131456" , "" , ""]


  • you only can invite other who is one of our users.
  • attention invitation to not one of our user ignored and we will show you these are in this api response.
  • you can invite other users by they email or mobile
  • attention you only can invite other user who they aren’t one of your event member or they aaren’t rejected the last invitation.


the invitations field required and you should pass an array to that

Sended Invitations

for see Sended Invitations before in Event Manager system you can use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/sended-invitations?status=all


  • status parameter not required you can delete that, default status is all
  • instead of all you can use accepted , rejected , pending or you can delete status parameter

Received Invitations

for see Received Invitations from other users in Event Manager system you can use this route:

[GET] http://site.test/api/v1/received-invitations?status=all


  • status parameter not required you can delete that, default status is all
  • instead of all you can use accepted , rejected , pending or you can delete status parameter

Answer an Invitation

for answer a received invitation you can use this route:

[PATCH] http://site.test/api/v1/invitations/{{invitation_id}}


instead of {{invitation_id}} you should put invitation id you want answer to that.

you should define data to answer an invitation , like this:

    "status": "accepted",


you only can accept or reject an invitation, for that you can put accepted or rejected in status field.


the status field is required and you should put one of accepted or rejected value in there.